
Илья Шмелев (Saratov) Schönheitschirurg

Leistungen und Preise master Илья Шмелев (14)

Plastische Gesichtschirurgie (6)
Nasenkorrektur von 85000 rub
Blepharoplastik von 48000 rub
Otoplastik 60000 rub
Kinnchirurgie 55000 rub
Entfernung von Bisha-Klumpen 50000 rub
Gesichtsfetttransplantation von 25000 rub
Plastische Chirurgie am Körper (2)
Fettabsaugung von 25000 rub
Fetttransfer von 35000 rub
Mammoplastik (plastische Chirurgie der Brüste) (6)
Brustvergrößerung von 85000 rub
Bruststraffung von 75000 rub
Brustverkleinerung von 185000 rub
Brustwarzen-/Areola-Korrekturchirurgie von 40000 rub
Gynäkomastie-Behandlung 200000 rub
Brust-Lipofilling von 30000 rub
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Илья Шмелев

A doctor with extensive experience in the field of plastic surgery. You can see the results of operations carried out under his leadership in the gallery. During the work, the latest techniques are used, which help to minimize pain, completely hide traces of the intervention and speed up rehabilitation.

Detailed consultations before surgery, accurate tests and studies, rapid rehabilitation under the supervision of specialists. And also comfortable conditions in one of the best clinics in the city! You can get all this at a competitive price by seeking plastic surgery services from Dr. Shmelev.


Saratov, ул. 2-ая Садовая, 72
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Saratov, ул. 2-ая Садовая, 72
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