Saint Petersburg

Delete (Saint Petersburg) Kosmetikklinik

Leistungen und Preise salon Delete (23)

Gesichtskosmetik (4)
Chemische Peelings von 4500 rub
Mandel-Gesichtspeeling 4500 rub
Milch-Gesichtspeeling 4500 rub
Narbenentfernung von 700 rub
Dauerhaftes Make-up (1)
Entfernung von Lasertattoos von 4900 rub
Haarentfernung (17)
Laser-Haarentfernung von 1900 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung im Gesicht 6200 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung an der Oberlippe 1900 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung an den Händen 8000 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung an den Beinen 17800 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung an den oberen Beinen 7200 rub
Po-Laser-Haarentfernung 8000 rub
Achsellaser-Haarentfernung 3000 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung am Bauch 4250 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung für Männer von 2500 rub
Handlaser-Haarentfernung für Männer 3600 rub
Achsellaser-Haarentfernung für Männer 4000 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung am Rücken für Männer 14000 rub
Bauch-Laser-Haarentfernung für Männer 5800 rub
Laser-Haarentfernung am Gesäß für Männer 4000 rub
Oberlippen-Laser-Haarentfernung für Männer 2500 rub
Gesichts-Laser-Haarentfernung für Männer 7000 rub
Tätowierung und Piercing (1)
Tattooentfernung von 4500 rub
Tarif hinzufügen


What is the Delete laser cosmetology clinic at the Chkalovskaya metro station? These are new standards of expertise and an excellent level of service.

The center contains the most popular, effective, and also unparalleled appearance and health care services using innovative products from CynoSure (USA), a recognized leader and trendsetter in the field of laser cosmetology. So, only here there is the first and only, FDA-approved and certified in the Russian Federation, picosecond laser PicoSure, the use of which helps to narrow pores, eliminate pigmentation and post-acne, reduce facial wrinkles and remodel the collagen framework. In addition, the unit is used for tattooing and permanent make-up. Also among the procedures are laser biorevitalization, Fraxel fractional photothermolysis, removal of vascular pathologies using the unique Cynosure Cynergy device, laser hair removal using the Cynosure Elite+ device and more. All premium class equipment has no rehabilitation, seasonal restrictions and does not require anesthesia; it allows you to solve aesthetic problems of any complexity many times more effectively, spending significantly less time. The highly qualified dermato-cosmetologists working here annually receive additional education and confirm their accreditation from the American manufacturer. At the same time, the clinic adheres to a reasonable pricing policy, making innovations affordable. All questions will be answered when you call the phone number indicated on the page.

Delete – space technologies for your beauty.


Petrogradsky район
  Saint Petersburg,
Корпусная улица, 3
   Zeitplan anzeigen
Пн 09:00 – 21:00
Вт 09:00 – 21:00
Ср 09:00 – 21:00
Чт 09:00 – 21:00
Пт 09:00 – 21:00
Сб 09:00 – 21:00
Вс 09:00 – 21:00
Salonkontakte anzeigen



Saint Petersburg, Petrogradsky р-н

M Chkalovskaya
Корпусная улица, 3
Zeitplan anzeigen
Mo 09:00 – 21:00
W 09:00 – 21:00
Mi 09:00 – 21:00
Do 09:00 – 21:00
Fr 09:00 – 21:00
Sa 09:00 – 21:00
Sonne 09:00 – 21:00
+7 (931) 255-...
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