Saint Petersburg

Диона (Saint Petersburg) Ärztezentrum

Leistungen und Preise salon Диона (1)

Beratung von 1200 rub
Gesichtskosmetik (1)
Plasma-Facelift von 3500 rub
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We are the Diona Medical Center. For more than 11 years, our specialists have successfully combined classical treatment methods with modern technologies in various fields of medicine. Look for us on Kollontai Street, a five-minute drive from the Pr. Bolsheviks."

The Diona Clinic is an alternative to treatment in a public institution. Therapists, pediatricians and doctors of narrow specializations receive treatment here: cardiologists, orthopedists, endocrinologists, dermatologists, gynecologists, otorhinolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, immunologists, mammologists, mycologists, trichologists, narcologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, urologists, sports doctors.


Nevsky район
  Saint Petersburg,
улица Коллонтай, 41, 2 этаж
   Bolshevikov Avenue
   Zeitplan anzeigen
Пн 09:00 – 21:00
Вт 09:00 – 21:00
Ср 09:00 – 21:00
Чт 09:00 – 21:00
Пт 09:00 – 21:00
Сб 09:00 – 21:00
Вс 09:00 – 21:00

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Saint Petersburg, Nevsky р-н

M Bolshevikov Avenue
улица Коллонтай, 41, 2 этаж
Zeitplan anzeigen
Mo 09:00 – 21:00
W 09:00 – 21:00
Mi 09:00 – 21:00
Do 09:00 – 21:00
Fr 09:00 – 21:00
Sa 09:00 – 21:00
Sonne 09:00 – 21:00
+7 (931) 254-...
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