Saint Petersburg

Happy Lanka (Saint Petersburg) Spa

Leistungen und Preise salon Happy Lanka (6)

Massage und SPA (6)
Klassische Körpermassage 2500 rub
Lymphdrainage-Körpermassage 2800 rub / 60 min
Entspannende Massage 2800 rub / 60 min
Exotische Massage
Ayurveda-Massage 3500 rub
SPA-Rituale 2100 rub / 60 min
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Happy Lanka

The Happy Lanka School of Beauty and Longevity is a center for massage and bodily health practices based on the knowledge of the ancient science of Ayurveda and modern advances in medicine. All our services include a comprehensive approach to healing the body and maintaining the spirit.


Vasileostrovskii район № 7
  Saint Petersburg,
13-я линия В.О., 12
   Zeitplan anzeigen
Пн 10:00 – 22:00
Вт 10:00 – 22:00
Ср 10:00 – 22:00
Чт 10:00 – 22:00
Пт 10:00 – 22:00
Сб 10:00 – 22:00
Вс 10:00 – 22:00
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Saint Petersburg, № 7

M Vasileostrovskaya
13-я линия В.О., 12
Zeitplan anzeigen
Mo 10:00 – 22:00
W 10:00 – 22:00
Mi 10:00 – 22:00
Do 10:00 – 22:00
Fr 10:00 – 22:00
Sa 10:00 – 22:00
Sonne 10:00 – 22:00
+7 (921) 952-...
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