Plastische Gesichtschirurgie (7) | |
Nasenkorrektur | von 54000 rub |
Blepharoplastik | von 30000 rub |
Otoplastik | von 38000 rub |
Entfernung von Bisha-Klumpen | von 45000 rub |
Facelift-Operation | von 180000 rub |
Gesichtsfetttransplantation | von 12500 rub |
Cheiloplastik | von 40000 rub |
Plastische Chirurgie am Körper (5) | |
Fettabsaugung | von 30000 rub |
Bauchdeckenstraffung | von 145000 rub |
Verfahren zur Gesäßvergrößerung | von 130000 rub |
Schienbeinplastik (Kruroplastik) | von 76000 rub |
Fetttransfer | von 30000 rub |
Mammoplastik (plastische Chirurgie der Brüste) (3) | |
Brustvergrößerung | 105000 rub |
Brustverkleinerung | von 140000 rub |
Brust-Lipofilling | von 30000 rub |
Ästhetische plastische Genitalchirurgie (3) | |
Vaginalplastik | von 40500 rub |
Schamlippenkorrektur | von 25000 rub |
Hymenoplastik | von 20000 rub |
Treatment is carried out in 13 clinical departments, 5 therapeutic, 8 surgical. The hospital bed capacity is 413 beds, the outpatient department is 600 visits per shift.
New equipment and highly qualified personnel make it possible to introduce into practice a wide range of innovative technologies in the field of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, allowing the hospital to maintain a high status in providing medical care to all residents not only of St. Petersburg and the North-Western region, but also to all residents Russia and other countries, continuing to follow our main principle “We are open to everyone.”
M | Lesnaya | ||||||||||||||
просп. Мечникова, 27 | |||||||||||||||
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