Gesichtskosmetik (10) | |
Gesichtspeeling | |
Kosmetische Injektionen | |
Biorevitalisierung | |
Botox-Injektionen | |
Dysport-Injektion | |
Anti-Falten-Filler-Injektionen | |
Akne-Behandlung | |
Rosacea-Behandlung | |
Laser-Hauterneuerung | |
Lippenvergrößerung |
Haarentfernung (2) | |
Epilation | |
Laser-Haarentfernung |
Wiederaufbau und Pflege (1) | |
Plasmolifting |
Cosmetology, Medical laboratory, Laser hair removal
Cosmetology services: biorevitalization, acne treatment, Botox, contour plastic surgery, peeling, removal of vascular defects, injection procedures, plasma lifting, Dysport, hair removal, laser rejuvenation, lip augmentation.
Types of cosmetology: aesthetic cosmetology, laser cosmetology, medical cosmetology.
Doctors and specialists: mammologist, cosmetologist, neurologist, oncologist.
улица Карла Либкнехта, 23, корп. 1 | |
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