
Марина Стенина (Voronezh) Maskenbildner

Leistungen und Preise master Марина Стенина (4)

Bilden (3)
Abend-Make-up 1650 rub / 2 min
Make-up für Fotoshootings 1600 rub / 2 min
Hochzeits-Make-up 2000 rub / 3 min
Augenbrauen- und Wimpernmodellierung (1)
Augenbrauen mit einer Pinzette formen 1000 rub / 2 min
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Марина Стенина

The best makeup is the one in which a person’s external appearance is in harmony with his inner world. Modern makeup products and the art of a makeup artist allow you to radically change your appearance. This is what a makeup artist exists to help people look stylish and sophisticated at the most important moments of their lives, giving the impression of a successful and healthy person.

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