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Anubis Tattoo — 123 Ideas


Anubis is the deity of death in ancient Egyptian mythology, the guide of the dead to the kingdom of the dead. Depicted in the guise of a man with the head of a jackal. Men prefer to get this dark tattoo on their body. The sketches are large-scale drawings in dark colors.


Anubis is the deity of death in ancient Egyptian mythology, the guide of the dead to the kingdom of the dead. Depicted in the guise of a man with the head of a jackal. Men prefer to get this dark tattoo on their body. The sketches are large-scale drawings in dark colors.

The meaning of the Anubis tattoo

This mythical character is associated not only with the afterlife, but also with the pharmaceutical sphere (Anubis was considered the guardian of medicines and poisons). Therefore, there is a legend that doctors and psychologists tattoo the image of the ancient Egyptian deity on their skin.

The mystical purpose of a tattoo is to help its owner find the right path in especially difficult moments. Also, the image of the ancient Egyptian deity serves as a kind of amulet.

Ideas for designing an Anubis tattoo

The most popular styles in which sketches are performed are black&gray and realism, less often - sketch and graphics. The drawing is created in dark colors, less often with the inclusion of red or fiery shades, which are used to decorate the background. On the tattoo, Anubis is depicted with a staff or scales in his hands.

The design is often printed on the shoulder or forearm, less often on the back, chest or ribs. This tattoo in the form of a “sleeve” looks very impressive.
