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Back Tattoo — 542 Ideas


Back tattoos are suitable for everyone, regardless of age and gender. They can be either black and white or color, occupy a small area of ​​skin or reach from the neck to the lower back. If you have the desire and financial resources, you can draw a real work of art.


Back tattoos are suitable for everyone, regardless of age and gender. They can be either black and white or color, occupy a small area of ​​skin or reach from the neck to the lower back. If you have the desire and financial resources, you can draw a real work of art.

Why Back Tattoos are So Popular?

Since the back is the largest and flattest part of the body, anything can be depicted there. For men who love large-scale designs with lots of small details, a back tattoo is ideal. In addition, a picture taken in this place can be easily hidden under clothing, which means that people who do not want to have a tattoo due to their professional activities may not worry about someone seeing it.

Large tattoos in the back area are also relevant for girls - a well-chosen subject will emphasize a thin waist. True, you will have to carefully monitor your figure - even small changes in weight have a bad effect on the appearance of the figure. It quickly deforms and loses its original attractiveness. Women who are prone to gaining and losing extra pounds should choose a design that can be printed on the upper back, closer to the neck.

Popular Women Back Tattoo Ideas

Girls often choose delicate images with fine lines. One of these is an angel with outstretched wings. Also popular:

  • inscriptions - this can be one word or a whole phrase, with additions in the form of small leaves, birds, hearts;
  • floral motifs - lotus or rose combined with geometric elements, poppy or lily with a long stem going down the spine, a scattering of small flowers that extends onto the shoulder;
  • esoteric drawings - mandalas, dream catchers , runes , zodiac circle;
  • animals - snakes , foxes , deer , cats (female versions of such tattoos differ from male ones in the presence of decorative details - usually flowers).

Popular Mens Back Drawings

Men's back tattoos , as a rule, are brutal. They can be either single (for example, a cross between the shoulder blades) or cover a significant part of the skin, moving to the chest, forearms, and sides. However, it is not uncommon for a guy to first make a small drawing, and after a few years decide to add more background and details to it. The following images are popular among men:

  • wings - they can be of different sizes and shapes, resembling some kind of mystical animal or bird of prey;
  • wild animals - wolves, eagles, tigers;
  • steampunk tattoos;
  • skulls and skeletons;
  • dragons (often against a background of clouds or in combination with flames);
  • graphic patterns.

Does it Hurt to Get a Tattoo on Your Back?

There are few nerve endings in this area, so you should not be afraid of pain. Moreover, the specialist can minimize discomfort by using an anesthetic cream. However, people with a very low pain threshold should not get a tattoo along the spine, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and neck - the pain is felt there more strongly than in places where there are a lot of muscles.

It is difficult to take care of a tattoo on the back; in order to apply healing cream, you have to ask someone for help. Also, at first you need to give up tight-fitting clothes and sleep on your stomach or side (otherwise the contours of the image will “float”). But these are temporary inconveniences - in a couple of weeks you can return to your normal lifestyle.
