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Chameleon Tattoo — 40 Ideas


The image of a chameleon is one of the most colorful artistic tattoo options. It serves rather a decorative function and does not belong to the category of amulets.

The meaning of a chameleon tattoo

This exotic reptile has a number of unique properties: it easily changes its color and even body size, and is also able to see what is happening behind its back. Therefore, in ancient times, some peoples considered the chameleon a totem animal, while others considered it a messenger of the devil.


The image of a chameleon is one of the most colorful artistic tattoo options. It serves rather a decorative function and does not belong to the category of amulets.

The meaning of a chameleon tattoo

This exotic reptile has a number of unique properties: it easily changes its color and even body size, and is also able to see what is happening behind its back. Therefore, in ancient times, some peoples considered the chameleon a totem animal, while others considered it a messenger of the devil.

A tattoo depicting a tropical reptile symbolizes flexibility and adaptability to life conditions. The person who chose her is not devoid of artistic talent, observant and dexterous.

On tattoos, a chameleon is rarely depicted in black and white. The colorfulness of this exotic lizard is best conveyed by the realistic and watercolor style, and less often by the new school technique.

Best ideas where to put chameleon tattoo on body

The large scale of the image limits the choice of placement area. Tattoos are most often placed on the shoulders, back, and forearms. On women's hips, the chameleon image looks more voluminous and colorful.
