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Lotus flower / geometric Tattoo — 2 Ideas

#LotusFlower #GeometricTattoo

Lotus is one of the most popular options for artistic tattoos. This design symbolizes spirituality, harmony and immortality.

The meaning of the lotus tattoo

The meaning of a tattoo is interpreted differently: in Buddhism it symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, in Japanese culture - chastity, in Indian culture - female fertility.

Most often, lotus flower is tattooed in the following styles: graphics, sketch, watercolor and minimalism. The flower pattern is combined with lace motifs, mandalas, geometric patterns and the Om sign.


Lotus is one of the most popular options for artistic tattoos. This design symbolizes spirituality, harmony and immortality.

The meaning of the lotus tattoo

The meaning of a tattoo is interpreted differently: in Buddhism it symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, in Japanese culture - chastity, in Indian culture - female fertility.

Most often, lotus flower is tattooed in the following styles: graphics, sketch, watercolor and minimalism. The flower pattern is combined with lace motifs, mandalas, geometric patterns and the Om sign.

The most popular tattoo is in black and gray. The color design gives the drawing a special meaning:

  • a flower in scarlet tones means love, passion, energy and procreation;
  • blue lotus is a symbol of wisdom and peace of mind;
  • The pink flower is a Buddhist sign, so it is often combined with the “Om” symbol.

In the first case, the drawings symbolize wisdom and spiritual growth, in the second - purity and innocence.

Where do you get a lotus tattoo?

The image of this flower adorns the forearms, wrists, ankles, backs - the design looks good on any part of the body. Since this tattoo is most popular among women, it is often tattooed on the thigh, under the breasts, and sometimes even in the bikini area.

In the geometry tattoo style, the artist depicts a design in the form of geometric shapes. It could be the image of an idol, nature, an animal - the meaning of the tattoo is hidden from prying eyes. The meaning of the applied details cannot be guessed without the help of the owner.

Style Characteristics

Sketches in the geometry style consist of smooth figures and lines intertwined with each other. All geometric elements create a single image. It is important that the master carefully adheres to all proportions. Only then will the drawing look natural and high quality. The lines can show:

  • birds (popular options are owl, phoenix , hummingbird);
  • animals ( fox , panther, wolf, lion);
  • plants – peonies or other favorite flowers;
  • fish ;
  • space.

Tattoo sizes may vary. Small sketches in the minimalist style are applied to the lower back , collarbone, and wrist. Large ones - on the back, hips , chest. Even the simplest drawings in the geometry style look modern and stylish. The lines assembled into a figure attract the eye with their originality. The drawing is applied in black and white strokes, the contours can be painted over with bright colors.

Popular figures

One of the frequently created figures is the circle - this figure symbolizes integrity and completeness. The circle has no beginning or end; it is a kind of personification of infinity. Also, this geometric element unites the feminine and masculine principles, the Moon and the Sun. Merging into a circle expresses reciprocity in love, fidelity and a prosperous marriage.

A popular tattoo design in the geometry style is the triquetra - the figure represents the movement of the sun. Each element shows a specific phase. Dawn, zenith and sunset are displayed in the corners. The triquetra combines cyclicity and harmony. Typically this tattoo is applied to the neck or forearm.

The triangle is a symbol of health and prosperity. Circles and triangles are often combined, inscribing images of birds and animals inside the figure. Thumbnail values ​​may vary. If a tattoo is on a woman’s body, then it shows periods of life. On a male body, the drawing speaks of wisdom and spiritual strength.

A geometric square symbolizes calm and harmony. Right angles of the figure indicate justice and rationality. In many cultures, a square is a sign of honesty, sincerity and openness.

Abstract drawings , figures, and patterns are also depicted in the geometry style. The ornament is created from repeating details that represent fertility and protection. Geometric abstractions turn out to be voluminous and cause ambiguous reactions.

Who is it suitable for?

Geometry style has no age or gender characteristics. Sketches differ in size and content. Girls choose plants, flowers, shells or stars . The tattoo is applied mainly to the hands and forearm area. Libra, hourglass, cardinal directions - typically masculine drawings . Animals, birds, fish - a universal solution for both sexes.

The usual interweaving of lines and geometric shapes not only looks beautiful and original, but also has a sacred character. Each individual figure or whole picture has a special meaning and meaning.
