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Snail Tattoo — 8 Ideas


The snail is often found on artistic tattoos - most often in the role of a bright fairy-tale character. Her image adorns both female and male bodies.

The meaning of the snail tattoo

First of all, the image of this mollusk symbolizes eternal movement and love of travel. A person with such a tattoo is leisurely, but purposeful and persistent in achieving his goal.

Great importance is attached to the shell on the back of the snail. Some believe that its spiral pattern is a symbol of human consciousness, others consider the shell to be a protective amulet. Therefore, some call this tattoo a talisman for travelers.


The snail is often found on artistic tattoos - most often in the role of a bright fairy-tale character. Her image adorns both female and male bodies.

The meaning of the snail tattoo

First of all, the image of this mollusk symbolizes eternal movement and love of travel. A person with such a tattoo is leisurely, but purposeful and persistent in achieving his goal.

Great importance is attached to the shell on the back of the snail. Some believe that its spiral pattern is a symbol of human consciousness, others consider the shell to be a protective amulet. Therefore, some call this tattoo a talisman for travelers.

Among the Indians, this mollusk symbolized fertility, among African peoples - the lunar, that is, the feminine principle.

Snail tattoo ideas

The image of a mollusk is perfectly played out both in monochrome and in multi-colored tones. On the tattoo, the snail is presented either life-size or on a large scale. The performance style can be any:

  • realistic to create a 3D effect;
  • “new school” for the image of a cartoon character;
  • VIP shading with elements of abstraction.

Often, instead of a shell house, the snail carries some other object on its back - for example, a mini-cake or even an eye. One of the most popular options is a human skull, replacing a clam house.
