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Viking Tattoo — 50 Ideas


A Viking is a typically masculine tattoo, symbolizing the strength, courage and fighting spirit of its owner. For it, portrait realistic images of Scandinavian warriors in battle garb are selected.

The meaning of a tattoo depicting a Viking

The portrait of a northern warrior symbolizes power, courage and willingness to protect oneself and loved ones. Confident and purposeful men decorate their bodies with this image. Scandinavian runes that complement the design turn it into a kind of amulet.

Viking tattoo design ideas

The image is painted primarily in black and white using portrait technique. Therefore, when choosing a style, it is better to choose realism or black&gray.

Scandinavian warriors are depicted in armor, with a sword and shield, often during battle scenes. Black and white portraits are sometimes complemented by elements of crimson or fiery shades - for example, a glow in the background or splashes of blood. Colored details are found in the image of Viking ships, which are included in the composition of the tattoo.

The tattoo is placed on the sleeves, back, chest, and ankles.

Recently, images of the heroes of the television series “Vikings” have been especially popular. A tattoo with a portrait of Ragnar is especially in demand.

A Viking is a typically masculine tattoo, symbolizing the strength, courage and fighting spirit of its owner. For it, portrait realistic images of Scandinavian warriors in battle garb are selected.

The meaning of a tattoo depicting a Viking

The portrait of a northern warrior symbolizes power, courage and willingness to protect oneself and loved ones. Confident and purposeful men decorate their bodies with this image. Scandinavian runes that complement the design turn it into a kind of amulet.

Viking tattoo design ideas

The image is painted primarily in black and white using portrait technique. Therefore, when choosing a style, it is better to choose realism or black&gray.

Scandinavian warriors are depicted in armor, with a sword and shield, often during battle scenes. Black and white portraits are sometimes complemented by elements of crimson or fiery shades - for example, a glow in the background or splashes of blood. Colored details are found in the image of Viking ships, which are included in the composition of the tattoo.

The tattoo is placed on the sleeves, back, chest, and ankles.

Recently, images of the heroes of the television series “Vikings” have been especially popular. A tattoo with a portrait of Ragnar is especially in demand.
