Tattoos in the form of words are popular for many reasons: they convey a person’s thoughts and feelings and look impressive. Depending on preferences, they can be miniature or large, creating a unique image. Can be applied to almost any part of the body.
Tattoos in the form of words are popular for many reasons: they convey a person’s thoughts and feelings and look impressive. Depending on preferences, they can be miniature or large, creating a unique image. Can be applied to almost any part of the body.
Tattoos in the form of words can be limited to one word, a short phrase, or be voluminous in text. Even poems and excerpts from songs are included. This option is chosen by romantic girls.
There are often quotes from sacred books - the Bible, the Koran, the Torah. They are meaningful and have wisdom close to a person’s heart. Latin aphorisms, mottos and laconic expressions are popular.
Often very short texts are written. They come in the form of one letter, the names of loved ones, animals, idols.
The meaning of a tattoo often echoes the language of the text; in English and German they are less emotional, in Spanish and French they convey more feelings. Tattoo inscriptions in Arabic, Hebrew, and hieroglyphs look stylish. Those who choose the Cyrillic alphabet try to convey their views to others as much as possible.
Tattoos in the form of words are usually applied under the influence of emotions; here you need to be careful. It should be remembered that feelings change throughout life. Sometimes a person even wants to get rid of the previous inscription.
Tattoos in the form of words are applied in different styles, the most popular are:
Even without decorating elements, a tattoo in the form of words looks impressive. This has to do with the font choice:
Unusual is the combination of several fonts and the use of graffiti elements. The effect of a tattoo is achieved by incorporating a variety of designs. Images of flowers, the national emblem, and hearts are popular. If the tattoo is large, then it is perfectly complemented by pictures with scenes and landscapes.
On any part of the body, a tattoo in the form of words looks harmonious. However, a number of factors should be taken into account, in particular the type and size of the font. Large texts are applied to the back, chest, and thigh. Small phrases look good on the wrist, hand, ankle, fingers. It is popular among young people to apply inscriptions in the form of words on their faces.
Lovers and friends often get tattoos with a continuation (for one, the first part of the text, for the other, the ending). Another option is to have the same drawing in the same place among close people.
A tattoo in the form of words creates an impression; the meaning of the text is clear to everyone who speaks a certain language. It will tell you a lot about a person, his thoughts and feelings.