
Beata Krawczyńska-Kowalska (Gdańsk) Ernährungsberater

Leistungen und Preise master Beata Krawczyńska-Kowalska (2)

Körperformung (2)
Beratung durch einen Ernährungsberater
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Beata Krawczyńska-Kowalska

In my work I focus on an individual approach to the patient. Each of us has different needs, so both the diet and recommendations should be tailored accordingly to our lifestyle, health status and preferences. This is the key to success. I'm trying to show that dieting is not about constant sacrifice and starvation, but about constantly changing your thinking and habits.


Im Salon
Gdańsk, Osowa region, Prometeusza, 27
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Gdańsk, Osowa р-н, Prometeusza, 27
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+4 (851) 895-...
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