
Ekaterina Ovsyanikova (Krakow) Psychologe

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Online-Psychologenberatung (1)
Online-Psychologenberatung von 72 zl
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Ekaterina Ovsyanikova

I use methods of working with the unconscious through working with feelings and the body. Feelings are the connecting link between consciousness, subconscious and body. Everything that the psyche misses or holds within itself remains in the body. Unblocking unlived feelings and emotions allows you to safely and relatively quickly remove blocks in the body and allow yourself to build your behavior based on a healthy personality, and not on painful experience. The ability to immerse yourself in painful experiences, negative experiences, react to the feelings blocked there, understand the essence of this experience and come to complete harmonization of the internal state - this is elaboration. After this comes another important stage - a change in behavior.


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