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Best Podologist in Bialystok

Rating of the best Podologists Bialystok – 3 masters. The profiles contain detailed information about work experience, education, reviews about podologist. See addresses on the map, choose good Podologists in Bialystok for prices, examples of work. Booking online or by phone.
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Found 3 masters

On Barb 5 weeks 4 days

In salon cabinet:
Bialystok, New Town dist ,
Transportowa, 2A

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1 call

I offer podiatry services including treatment of ingrown toenails, corns and other foot problems for the health and comfort of your feet. I also perform professional pedicures that not only provide an aesthetic look, but also promote hygiene and healthy skin and nails. All treatments are performed using sterile equipment and quality materials to ensure safety...

Languages: Русский, English, Polski


On Barb 5 weeks 2 days

In salon cabinet:
Bialystok, City Center dist ,
Marjańskiego, 3

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Corns, corns, calluses, nail fungus, a feeling of heaviness in your feet.... Probably each of you has faced one or another problem on your feet. In such cases, I recommend visiting a podiatrist's office.

Consultation - from 150 zl

Languages: Русский, English, Polski


On Barb 5 weeks 3 days

In salon cabinet:
Bialystok, Antoniuk dist ,
Władysława Broniewskiego, 4

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As a podiatrist, I offer professional foot care, including treatment for ingrown toenails, corns, calluses and other problems. I provide preventative treatments to maintain healthy feet and prevent discomfort. All treatments are performed using modern techniques and sterile equipment to ensure safety and maximum comfort.

Languages: Русский, English, Polski



All specialists on the map Bialystok

50-500 ZL

Rating 4.9 based on 42 Google reviews

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