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Best Podologist in Lodz

Rating of the best Podologists Lodz – 18 masters. The profiles contain detailed information about work experience, education, reviews about podologist. See addresses on the map, choose good Podologists in Lodz for prices, examples of work. Booking online or by phone.
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Found 18 masters

On Barb 23 months

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Srodek dist ,
Ul. Piotrkowska 204/210

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9.7 points
76 calls
8y. experience

Head of the studio. Nail restoration expert. Certified podiatrist. Cracks, hyperkeratosis, irritated nail plates or skin onychomycosis (fungus), wounded surface.

Languages: Русский, Polski, Українська


On Barb 30 months

In salon cabinet:
Lodz ,
Julianowska 7a

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9.8 points
10 calls

It is necessary to contact a podiatrist for such problems as ingrown toenails, diabetic foot, partial loss of the nail plate, thickening and deformation of the nail, calluses, corns, cracks, rough and dry skin of the feet, hyperkeratosis.

Consultation - 100 zl

Languages: Русский, Polski


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Srodek dist ,
Roosevelta, 12B

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9.6 points
5 calls

Manicure, pedicure, podiatry. Work experience - more than 5 years. My mission is to create beauty and highlight natural beauty. I believe that beauty is not only about the end result, but also about a feeling of comfort, confidence and harmony.

Languages: Polski, Українська


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On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Gorna dist ,
Kolumny, 459/1

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9.7 points

Owner and founder of a private podiatric practice that has been providing a wide range of orthopedic services for many years. Together with the surgeon, I perform post-operative procedures such as plastic surgery of periungual folds, removal of sutures and debridement of wounds after surgery performed in another office.


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Bałutow dist ,
Krzewowa, 25

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9.5 points
3 calls

The most important thing for me is the safety and hygiene of the procedures performed. I use disposable equipment and sterile clean instruments - they are washed in an ultrasonic bath, packaged and sterilized in a high-quality autoclave. I treat each patient individually; the experience gained in working with the patient helps me quickly and accurately recognize many diseases of the lower extremities...


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Stare Polesie dist ,
Jerzego Michałowicza, 18

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9.5 points

I am the owner of the Podiatric Center. I received the professional title of orthopedic doctor in 2002, having passed the state exam in Germany. Since 2006, I have been running an orthopedic office in Lodz, the city where I was born.


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Bałutow dist ,
Nastrojowa, 51

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9.7 points
2 calls

This is a place where people with pathological and physiological foot problems receive professional and holistic care - from recognizing the disease, making an accurate diagnosis, to planning effective therapy. Clients can also expect education on foot disease prevention and daily foot care.


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Widzewa dist ,
Andrzeja Sacharowa, 21a

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9.4 points
1 call

Martha Kotsemba's podiatry office offers a wide range of services in the field of care, prevention and effective assistance for the most common foot diseases. Consistently over the years, I take care of high standards of work, high standards of hygiene (sterile instruments, disposable blades, disinfection of the station after each procedure).


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Stare Polesie dist ,
Obywatelska, 106

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9.5 points
2 calls

My podiatry office is designed not only to provide patients with temporary relief from the suffering associated with foot problems, but also to teach them how to properly care for and treat their feet, which will certainly lead to a more comfortable life. Treatments are carried out in comfortable and hygienic conditions, in two single rooms that provide privacy,...


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Bałutow dist ,
Warszawska, 22

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9.5 points
4 calls

I have been working as a podiatrist for 8 years, and have been running my own practice for 3 years. My specialization is nails and related diseases - it is around them that I concentrate my activities, constantly participating in international internships and acquiring new skills, knowledge and studying innovative techniques and work tools.

Languages: Русский, English, Polski, Українська


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Stare Polesie dist ,
Piaski, 4b

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10 points
4 calls

Manicurist, pedicurist, podiatrist. 6 years of experience in the industry. Positive customer feedback. All standards of sterilization and disinfection according to medical standards are observed.


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Stare Polesie dist ,
Pancerniaków, 10

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Home visit
9.5 points

In January 2023, I opened my own specialized podiatry office “Moje Stopy” and offer you my knowledge, experience, skills, empathy and compassion in a modern, cozy office in Łódź. Using my help, you can free yourself from all the inconveniences associated with foot diseases.


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Srodek dist ,
Zarzewska, 11

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10 points
2 calls

During my professional practice, I encountered problems with the feet of my clients and decided to begin graduate school in podiatry. And it was in this area that I found my professional fulfillment. I am constantly learning and developing, expanding my knowledge by participating in various certified training courses.


On Barb 30 months

In salon cabinet:
Lodz ,
Strażacka 11

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9.8 points
2 calls

Medical pedicure, ingrown toenail, fungus, titanium thread. Along with performing a hardware pedicure, I can give recommendations regarding comprehensive care, advise you to buy specialized medications, cosmetics to maintain the effect of treatment, and professional care.

Languages: Русский, Polski


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:

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Home visit
10 points
3 calls

I provide professional foot care. Do you want to feel confident in any life situation and have healthy, well-groomed feet and nails? A client card is maintained, procedures are carried out according to a standard and unified protocol.


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Gorna dist ,
Łukowa, 18a

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10 points
1 call

I offer manicure, pedicure and podiatry services. In my work, I apply best practices in complex combination with innovative equipment, high-quality pedicure instruments and podiatry devices.


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Stare Polesie dist ,
Czwartaków, 6a

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10 points

I invite people who value the sterility of instruments and high-quality treatment to the podiatry office, which is part of the Universal Preventive Program “Healthy Feet.” Since 2008, I have specialized in professional foot care, performing procedures to remove corns, calluses, and fungus.


On Barb 47 weeks 5 days

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Widzewa dist ,
Węgierska, 3

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10 points
3 calls

Podiatrist services, manicure, pedicure. I use only methods whose safety and reliability are scientifically proven and based on the best world practices.



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50-500 ZL

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