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Marcin Skwirut (Warsaw) Chiropractor, masseur, pediatric massage therapist, rehabilitologist, kinesiotherapist, physiotherapist

Offers and prices master Marcin Skwirut (7)

Massage and SPA (6)
Body massage
Children's massage
Kinesiology taping
Terapia manualna (1)
Мануальная терапия
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Marcin Skwirut

I specialize in the health of adults and children. I help patients after strokes, surgeries and other ailments related to the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to many years of experience, I provide my patients with the highest level of safety and care.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Warsaw, Targówek dist, Remiszewska, 14
   Targówek Mieszkaniowy
   Show working hours
No fixed shedule

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Workplace options

Reception at salon

M Targówek Mieszkaniowy
Warsaw, Targówek р-н, Remiszewska, 14
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No fixed shedule
+4 (869) 153-...
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