
Александр Грабарев (Chelyabinsk) Ernährungsberater

Leistungen und Preise master Александр Грабарев (1)

Körperformung (1)
Beratung durch einen Ernährungsberater 500 rub / 45 min
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Александр Грабарев

For many years I tried to lose weight with varying degrees of success. I tried various methods: fasting, dietary supplements, physical activity, but this did not lead me to the desired result. I couldn't understand what I was doing wrong?
It turned out to be very simple.
We were taught in schools everything that is almost not needed in life. Although, of course, you need to know history, mathematics, and languages. But how to eat properly and what foods are not taught, not in schools, not in institutes.
And now, after many years of my experiments, having received further health problems, I decided that there was no way to postpone this issue for later. In July 2019, I graduated from the School of Nutritionists. And since the knowledge gained and my personal experience are of real value to many people, I decided to help everyone who needs advice on weight control.


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