
Александра Кондрахина (Moscow) Psychologe

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Individuelle psychologische Beratung (1)
Individuelle psychologische Beratung 3500 rub
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Александра Кондрахина

My name is Alexandra Petrovna Kondrakhina - I am a correctional teacher (primary school teacher), a neuropsychologist, a specialist in neuropsychological diagnostics and correction of deviant behavior and child development, a child and family psychologist, and an astropsychologist. I am a member of the Association of Practical Psychologists and Coaches in Moscow.
After graduating from the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MSPU), I worked in municipal and private schools in Moscow (14 years of experience) and at the same time taught children privately.
My work experience has shown that the traditional teaching methods used in schools and by me at that time do not give equal results for the children of my class. I observed a similar picture in parallel classes. I felt that I needed more in-depth knowledge of psychology.
After graduating from the Faculty of Developmental Psychology at Moscow State University in 2005, I began to actively apply the knowledge I had acquired. In my individual work, I included certain exercises to develop memory, attention, and thinking, and began to get positive results. Children began to assimilate the school curriculum material much more easily and leveled out in psychological development, their motivation for learning increased, their level of anxiety decreased, and some fears associated with the learning process and more disappeared.
However, I wanted all the children to have excellent grades. The use of psychological techniques did not give 100% results. And I realized that I needed in-depth knowledge in neuropsychology. First, I took an advanced training course in neuropsychology and received a specialization in “Neuropsychological diagnostics and correction of deviant behavior and child development.” This helped me take a full and comprehensive approach to a child’s learning and development. I can determine the true cause of developmental delays and learning difficulties, and correct the functioning of the child’s brain, which improves the child’s academic performance.
Using all the knowledge in a complex, I began to notice that children with difficulties in development, education and training were leveled out and corresponded to the level of development of children of their age group.
As a result, a comprehensive correctional and developmental method of teaching reading was born for preschoolers, which is successfully used by me and parents in working with children.
But I didn’t stop there. Since a person is an integral system that can be studied from different angles, using a variety of tools, I became interested in astropsychology. Having mastered the “Formula of the Soul” diagnostic method, I received an additional tool that allows me to find out a person’s psychological characteristics, his character, strengths and weaknesses, in which sport one can achieve the best results, in which field of activity it will be easier to get a profession and become financially successful, and also possible diseases and more.
In my work with everyone who asks for help, I use a comprehensive individual approach. This allows you to get the desired results in a short time.
My mission is to help parents create a favorable climate in the family, and for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren to study educational material easily and simply.
I will help children:
• preschool age to prepare for school
• learn to read using the author’s method “method 66”
I will help younger students:
• find out the true reason for school failure
• in mastering the school curriculum, focusing on the individual characteristics of each student
• increase memory capacity, concentrate your attention, think logically, speak and write correctly, increase motivation, self-confidence and self-esteem, control your actions
I will help parents:
• establish relationships with the child and with each other
• learn the secrets of raising boys and girls
• choose a profession for your child in which he can reveal his abilities
• identify your and your child’s talents


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