
Елена Гладкова (Rostov-on-Don) Ernährungsberater

Leistungen und Preise master Елена Гладкова (1)

Körperformung (1)
Beratung durch einen Ernährungsberater 600 rub
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Елена Гладкова

My name is Elena, I am a nutritionist-endocrinologist. When should you contact me? If you suspect that you have a hormonal imbalance: you are constantly cold, even in the heat; they began to notice that their fingers sometimes trembled; feel a lump in your throat or an increase in the size of your neck; cannot control your blood pressure; frequent urination and severe thirst; constant irritability, tearfulness, unstable emotional state; constantly want to eat; sudden weight loss; body changes (enlarged limbs), infertility, menstrual irregularities, after repeated attempts to reduce body weight, the weight returns.


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