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Ксения Гостюхина (Chelyabinsk) Lashmaker

Offers and prices master Ксения Гостюхина (4)

Eyebrow and eyelash modeling (4)
Classic eyelash extensions 1300 rub / 2 min
2D eyelash extension 1600 rub / 3 min
Removing eyelash extensions 200 rub / 20 min
Classic eyelash extensions 1500 rub / 2 min
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Ксения Гостюхина

Certified master. Prize-winner of the international championship in eyelash extensions. Experience more than 4 years. I will make your look expressive and attractive! Fluffy eyelashes and good mood to everyone)

Workplace options

At client's home place
Chelyabinsk, Kurchatovsky dist, улица Мусы Джалиля, 7
   Show working hours
Пн 9:00 – 18:00
Вт Day off
Ср Day off
Чт Day off
Пт Day off
Сб Day off
Вс Day off
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Workplace options

Reception at home

Chelyabinsk, Kurchatovsky р-н, улица Мусы Джалиля, 7
Show working hours
Mon 9:00 – 18:00
Tue Day off
Wed Day off
Thu Day off
Fri Day off
Sat Day off
Sun Day off
+7 (908) 573-...
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