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Наталья Гаврилова (Chelyabinsk) Psychologist

Offers and prices master Наталья Гаврилова (1)

Individual psychologist consultation (1)
Individual psychologist consultation 1500 rub
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Наталья Гаврилова

Good day!
I am a practicing family psychologist, working with couples, parents and children, as well as individually. In my professional arsenal I use many techniques, including metaphorical cards. I know techniques for helping in stressful situations.

Workplace options

At client's home place
Chelyabinsk, Central dist, улица Труда, 84
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No fixed shedule
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Workplace options

Reception at home

Chelyabinsk, Central р-н, улица Труда, 84
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No fixed shedule
+7 (904) 303-...
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