On Barb 21 months
In salon cabinet | |
Krasnoyarsk, Central dist, улица Чернышевского, 75 |
3500 rub / 135 min. |
2900 rub / 120 min. |
1500 rub / 60 min. |
Languages: Русский
2500 rub / - |
600 rub / - |
1200 rub / - |
For a long time I could not decide on a massage, as I heard different opinions on this matter. But I warned the master at the......
2100 rub / - |
2500 rub / - |
I liked the combined facial cleansing in Doll Face. Made with high quality and taking care of the client. After the procedure, the specialist gave......
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2800 rub / - |
300 rub / - |
3500 rub / - |
My face looks great. At the By Ekaterina Andrianova salon they did a salicylic facial cleansing for me, I couldn’t go to the procedure for a......
2000 rub / - |
I am grateful to master Oksana for high-quality facial cleansing. She did everything quickly and painlessly. She recommended and helped me choose several care options......
On Barb 41 months
In salon cabinet | |
Krasnoyarsk, Sovetsky dist, улица Партизана Железняка, 40Б |
500 rub / - |
1500 rub / - |
1800 rub / 90 min. |
1400 rub / - |
1000 rub / 90 min. |
I came to Anastasia Sidorenko for combined facial cleansing. She not only did everything carefully, but also gave recommendations for facial care, especially in the summer,......
500 rub / 20 min. |
1500 rub / 90 min. |
Mechanical facial cleansing is my salvation. All other types are not yet available to me, but the mechanical one copes well with imperfections. Thanks to......
1800 rub / - |
1200 rub / - |
Once again, having visited the Sagali salon, I am left in a very comfortable state after the procedure. Laser hair removal is a very confidential procedure.......
2000 rub / - |
600 rub / - |
2000 rub / - |
2000 rub / - |
2000 rub / - |
Thanks to Oksana Potylitsina for clear skin. Ultrasound is the best thing that humanity has invented. The pores are just like new and clean.......
- / - |
1400 rub / - |
1200 rub / - |
On Barb 41 months
at home | |
Krasnoyarsk, Oktyabrsky dist, улица Академика Киренского, 56А |
- / - |
- / - |
- / - |
- / - |
I have never been able to boast of clear skin. I was tired of being ashamed of myself, so I came to Olesya to get myself......
2000 rub / 120 min. |
2000 rub / 120 min. |
- / - |
1000 rub / - |
1500 rub / - |
1500 rub / - |
1500 rub / 60 min. |
1500 rub / - |
1200 rub / - |
1200 rub / - |
1300 rub / - |
1200 rub / - |
1500 rub / - |
350 rub / - |
900 rub / 60 min. |
1300 rub / 90 min. |
600 rub / 40 min. |
500 rub / 30 min. |
On Barb 41 months
In salon cabinet | |
Krasnoyarsk, Sverdlovskiy dist, Афонтовский переулок, 2 |
2000 rub / - |
2500 rub / - |
1200 rub / - |
- / - |
- / - |
- / - |
- / - |
- / - |
- / - |
1500 rub / - |
1500 rub / - |
1550 rub / - |
1900 rub / - |
450 rub / - |
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