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Face cosmetology in Moscow – 1136 beauty salons and 3129 masters. Addresses on the map, service reviews with ratings and photos. Face cosmetology provided by the best specialists Moscow. Book a service with a beauty master, in a beauty salon nearby, online or by phone.

On Barb 48 months

Moscow, SAO dist
Старопетровский проезд, 11, к. 1
M Voikovskaya

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9.4 points
2 calls
Olga 26.06.2023:

I have a sedentary job, so I try to go for a massage at least once a month. It is important for me that the massage......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 47 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
2-й Тверской-Ямской переулок, дом 10
M Mayakovskaya

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10 points
15 calls
Ксения 09.06.2024:

Хороший хирург, оперировала у него грудь. Идеально подобранные импланты для моего телосложения. Все понравилось и прошло достаточно хорошо. Восстановилась нормально. Хожу и радуюсь......

All feedbacks: 4


On Barb 20 months

In salon cabinet
Большой Дровяной переулок, дом 8, строение 1

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1 point
12 calls
Ольга Дмитренко 28.05.2024:

Была на процедуре 12. 04. 2024 ужасное отношение, лицо перекосило на звонки не отвечает блочит......

All feedbacks: 1


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On Barb 49 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Николоямская, 38, стр. 1, офис 2
M Taganskaya

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9.4 points
37 calls
Оксана 13.05.2024:

Очень опытные мастера. Я делала брови и губы, получилось красиво. Подруги делают комплименты, спрашивают где работают такие классные мастера. В студии Инги Бабицкой очень......

All feedbacks: 4


On Barb 46 months

Moscow, VAO dist
Алтайская, дом 33/7
M Shchelkovskaya

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10 points
69 calls
Nicholas 09.10.2023:

I have been visiting the salon for quite some time now, and go for back massage and hydromassage. I would like to express my gratitude for......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 49 months

Moscow, YuAO dist
Каширское шоссе, 61Г (4 этаж)
M Shipilovskaya

Дополнительные адреса:

CAO dist

Пресненская набережная, 8

M Business Center

CAO dist

Театральный проезд, 5

M Kuznetsky Most

ZAO dist

Киевская, 2

M Kievskaya

CAO dist

Новинский бульвар, 1/2

M Smolenskaya
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74 calls
Government 15.06.2023:

Excellent salon, I go for manicures and haircuts. The technicians are qualified, friendly, the atmosphere in the salon is pleasant, and I can say the same......

All feedbacks: 1

Акция "Приведи друга"

Порекомендуйте нас своим подругам и получите 1000 бонусных рублей

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On Barb 49 months

Moscow, YuZAO dist
Горчакова, 5
M Boulevard Admiral Ushakov
M Gorchakova street

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10 points
95 calls
Svetlana 15.09.2023:

I had my eyebrows tattooed here and I was pleased with the results. I’ve been choosing the place where I’m going to get a tattoo for......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 47 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
Подсосенский перулок, дом 20 А
M Chkalovskaya

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9.9 points
18 calls
Milan 19.03.2022:

It is a pleasure to deal with such a competent cosmetologist and plastic surgeon as Solomon. I had blepharoplasty. Solomon is a great professional.......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 38 weeks 6 days

Moscow, Ostankinskiy
1-я Останкинская 21

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9.9 points
3 calls
Валерия 24.03.2024:

Была в салоне philasiaspa осталась очень довольна, массаж на высоте. Рекомендую всем посетить этот салон.......

All feedbacks: 7

Languages: Русский, English

АКЦИИ на первое посещение

АКЦИИ на первое посещение

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On Barb 48 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
Садовническая, 5
M Novokuznetskaya

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7.2 points
60 calls
Leila 25.07.2022:

I contacted a cosmetologist to select care for my facial skin, I have a large number of comedones. I bought their is clinical set, and on......

All feedbacks: 5


On Barb 49 months

Moscow, SZAO dist
Пятницкое шоссе, 9
M Volokolamskaya

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9.7 points
59 calls
Alina 29.04.2022:

At the Shimada salon I had a manicure with French gel polish from master Chulpan. I am grateful to her for her work and mood.......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 47 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, SZAO dist,
улица Рогова, дом 22
M Shchukinskaya

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10 points
16 calls
Жасмин 26.04.2024:

Все прошло хорошо, сделали операцию по пластике век, а так же подтяжка средней трети лица. Результат устроил, так как выгляжу натурально, никаких швов и прочего не......

All feedbacks: 1

Увеличение губ

Губки по акции 👄7800 р ♥️Техника СТЁКЛЫШКО В авторской методике , вторичное увеличение т.к. губки были тонкими и кожный лоскут нужно было постепенно растягивать. Процедура увеличения проходит:☝️ Без боли Без отёков Без синяков

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On Barb 46 months

Moscow, YuVAO dist
Чистова, дом 16, к. 1

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67 calls
Regina 29.01.2023:

After reading information about gas-liquid peeling, I decided to try it, it suits my indications (enlarged pores, post-acne). The procedure is painless, the amount is determined......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 49 months

Moscow, SZAO dist
Маршала Бирюзова, 8, корп. 1
M Oktyabrskoe field

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14 calls
Anastasia 27.01.2023:

I was worried about my jowls and nasolabial lips, they made me look older than my age, they really spoiled me. Creams and massage did not......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 48 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
Даев пер., 31/2
M Sretensky Boulevard

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10 points
49 calls
Inga 21.03.2022:

I am very pleased with Elena's work. I removed stretch marks that appeared after pregnancy, almost all of them went away after a course of procedures.......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 39 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, ZAO dist,
Кастанаевская улица

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10 points
21 calls
InnaKross877 15.08.2022:

Daria is a very careful massage master. I recently made an appointment with her and have no regrets. She is very careful in performing her......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 43 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
4-я Тверская-Ямская, 21
M Mayakovskaya

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10 points
46 calls
Olga 10.02.2022:

I have absolutely no complaints about Alina Kuznetsova. I thought that facial cleansing was something scary and painful, but it turned out to be much safer.......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 46 months

Moscow, CAO dist
1-й Неопалимовский переулок, дом 8
M Smolenskaya

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9 points
89 calls
Helen 06.10.2023:

Good afternoon I would like to leave a review about the salon. I had a facial. A careful master, apparently good cosmetics, because within 5......

All feedbacks: 1

Счастливые часы

10-20% на все меню по будням"

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On Barb 49 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, ZAO dist,
Верейская, 29/134

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10 points
63 calls
Christina 18.03.2022:

I went to Louise for a carbon peeling and was pleasantly surprised by the results of the procedure. The skin became cleaner, brighter, the pores narrowed.......

All feedbacks: 5


On Barb 46 months

Moscow, YuZAO dist
пр. Ленинский, д. 111, корпус 1
M Kaluzhskaya

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10 points
39 calls
Alina 18.10.2023:

I've been going for hardware manicures at Cosmo Pro for quite some time now, and I'm finally ready to give a review. If for you, like......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 49 months

Moscow, SVAO dist
Лазоревый проезд, 5к1
M Botanical Garden

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10 points
50 calls
Helen 25.06.2023:

I underwent a milk facial peeling procedure at Nuel, which was referred by a cosmetologist. It was necessary to remove uneven spots, post-acne spots, and there......

All feedbacks: 1

Скидка на Диспорт по вторникам и четвергам

Подарите своей коже молодость и красоту!

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On Barb 47 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
улица Ольховская, 27
M Baumanskaya

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9.9 points
12 calls
Вера 29.03.2024:

Делала ботокс в область глаз, и консультация по поводу нитей, очень довольна процедурой т. к. У меня сложная область под глазами там образуются складки, до......

All feedbacks: 3


On Barb 46 months

Moscow, SAO dist
Бескудниковский бульвар, 2, к. 1
M Verkhniye Likhobory

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10 points
12 calls
Anna 28.01.2023:

Elena Klenina tattooed her eyebrows at the Cosmetology Center. Finally, I got them in order. My natural eyebrows are thin and light. But I......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 48 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Тимура Фрунзе, 18
M Culture Park

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60 calls
Anna 26.06.2023:

I really liked the services of the NailsProfi salon. I didn’t have the simplest manicure, but everything was done professionally, strictly according to my recommendations and......

All feedbacks: 1

Красивые часы! Скидки на любимые процедуры

"Красивые часы" - это время, когда Вы можете воспользоваться услугами наших мастеров с хорошей скидкой. 

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On Barb 47 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, ZAO dist,
Кутузовский пр. 34, стр. 14
M Kutuzovskaya

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10 points
57 calls
Svetlana 08.04.2023:

An excellent cosmetologist, I have been going to him consistently for five years. I am very pleased with the results after the procedures. I recommend......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 46 months

Moscow, YuZAO dist
Обручева, 5а
M Kaluzhskaya

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10 points
19 calls
Svetlana 25.10.2023:

Estetic Lab provides very high-quality laser hair removal. I've been to so many salons, but I liked this one the most. I have already had......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 49 months

Moscow, ZAO dist
Мичуринский пр-т, д. 25, корп. 2
M Ramenki

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9.4 points
40 calls
Irina 31.07.2023:

I had bikini area epilation done at Doctor Laser. This was my first time doing this procedure, so I was nervous. After all, the procedure......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 48 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Благовещенский переулок, дом 1а, офис 106
M Mayakovskaya

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10 points
9 calls
Allah 05.11.2023:

I went to the ZheAr salon to see a cosmetologist, did non-injection mesotherapy, the result, in my opinion, was super, the skin glowed with health. I......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 48 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, YuZAO dist,
Миклухо-Маклая, дом 34
M Belyaevo

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10 points
43 calls
Allah 19.03.2022:

Nina had ultrasonic facial cleansing done. Safe and effective. Without traumatizing the skin. No irritation. Despite all the delicacy, the effect is pronounced.......

All feedbacks: 3


On Barb 46 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, VAO dist,
Рудневка, дом 17
M Dmitrievskogo Street

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10 points
33 calls
Julia 09.02.2022:

I really like master Lorianna, I regularly do various body treatments with her - body wraps, waxing. A very responsive girl, attentive to her work and......

All feedbacks: 1


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Face cosmetology Near me Moscow

1200-12000 RUR

Rating 4.9 based on 42 Google reviews

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