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Елена Макуха (Moscow) Cosmetologist

Offers and prices master Елена Макуха (5)

Face cosmetology (5)
Laser peel 11500 rub
Photorejuvenation (IPL) Treatments 18500 rub
Facial contouring 9000 rub
Botox injections 300 rub
Thread lifting 7200 rub
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Елена Макуха

Certified cosmetologist with 13 years of experience. Anti-aging specialist. I stop aging using all types of injections and devices. I constantly improve my skills

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Moscow, CAO dist, Никитский бульвар, 15/16
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No fixed shedule
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Reception at salon

M Arbatskaya
Moscow, CAO р-н, Никитский бульвар, 15/16
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No fixed shedule
+7 (926) 430-...
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