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Инга Федосова (Moscow) Psychologist, adolescent psychologist, gestalt therapist

Offers and prices master Инга Федосова (4)

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Consultation from 2000 rub
Online psychologist consultation (2)
Онлайн консультация from 2000 rub / 55 min
Online psychologist consultation from 2000 rub / 55 min
Group therapy (2)
Онлайн Группа для подростков 2000 rub / 3 hour
Group therapy from 500 rub
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Инга Федосова

Trained as a practical psychologist. Since 2019 I have been studying at MIGiP. I have been practicing since March 2021. I also conduct my own psychological game, which is based on the already well-known game of Lil, using Metaphorical cards and my full involvement as a specialist. I work with ART, I draw myself and for me art is a great direction in studying and exploring myself. I work with metaphorical cards. Now there are free places for the session online and in person (Moscow Region (Fryazino).
I work with teenagers, with themes of acceptance, searching for an answer, difficulty of choice, relationships in the family, with loved ones, friends and colleagues. I have experience working with anxiety conditions. Codependent relationships. LGBT Friendly. Working with depression.

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Инга Федосова Psychologist
On Barb 32 months
Experience 4y.

Calls: 7
Last visit: 22.04.2022

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