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Юлия Семенова (Moscow) Plastic Surgeon

Offers and prices master Юлия Семенова (9)

Facial Plastic Surgery (3)
Facial Fat Grafting
Body Plastic Surgery (2)
Fat Transfer
Mammoplasty (Plastic Surgery for the Breasts) (4)
Breast Augmentation
Breast Lift
Breast Reduction
Breast Lipofilling
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Юлия Семенова

Aesthetic plastic surgery is a branch of medicine aimed at improving appearance, rejuvenation, creating harmonious proportions of the face and body, taking into account the desires and individual characteristics of the patient. In my opinion, in order to achieve the maximum desired effect from the operation, complete mutual understanding with the patient is necessary. The operation itself must be performed in such a way that improvements are noticeable, but at the same time the individuality and “physiological” appearance are preserved.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Moscow, CAO dist, Большая Молчановка, 32, строение 1
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No fixed shedule

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Reception at salon

M Arbatskaya
Moscow, CAO р-н, Большая Молчановка, 32, строение 1
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No fixed shedule
+7 (985) 287-...
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