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Кирилл Моргачев (Moscow) Psychologist

Offers and prices master Кирилл Моргачев (2)

Discount 5% by promocode «Barb»
Individual psychologist consultation (1)
Individual psychologist consultation 2000 rub / 60 min
Online psychologist consultation (1)
Online psychologist consultation 1500 rub
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Кирилл Моргачев

Good afternoon I am a psychologist. Member of the Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy.

I advise clients on the topics of panic attacks, increased anxiety, feelings of shame and guilt, various fears and phobias, increased irritability (outbursts of anger).

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Moscow, CAO dist
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No fixed shedule
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Кирилл Моргачев Psychologist
On Barb 44 months
Experience 6y.

Calls: 8
Last visit: 25.10.2021

Workplace options

Reception at salon

M Belarusian
Moscow, CAO р-н
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No fixed shedule
+7 (967) 057-...
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