Я очень благодарна пластическому хирургу Карену Гагиковичу Пайтяну, который провел для меня редукционную маммопластику. Операция по уменьшению груди стала для меня реальным освобождением от физического и эмоционального дискомфорта. Уже на первой консультации хирург был внимателен, учел все мои беспокойства, подробно огласил все моменты операции, благодаря чему я смогла настроиться на позитив и спокойствие. На данный момент с момента дня «иск» прошел месяц. После операции уже нет никаких болезненных ощущений или дискомфорта. Результат прекрасен, мне легче ходить и заниматься. Благодарю доктора и его медперсонал за профессионализм и внимание к моему комфорту.
Спорить о том, кому стало хуже после родов – бесполезное занятие) У меня лично грудь почти до пупка опустилась, а сам живот еще хуже – обвисло всё, кожа дряблая и так далее. Ну, я думаю, вы представляете, что там было. Мне всего 40 лет, так что я решила делать пластику. Хирурга искала долго и муторно, но мне повезло встретить Карена Пайтяна. Вот у него сделала комплексную пластическую операцию ПостНатал, и это лучшее, что случалось с моим телом. За одну операцию увеличили и подтянули грудь, сделали подтяжку живота. Швы были длинные, сначала немного пугали, конечно, но заживление прошло нормально, все разрезы тонкие, дискомфорта не приносят и не заметны даже в купальнике-бикини. Я очень счастлива, радуюсь своему отражению и очень благодарна Карену Гагиковичу за его трепетное отношение и отзывчивость.
Tatiana Karibova
Hooray! I had a breast lift with implants! She underwent surgery with Dr. Karen Paytyan. I am very pleased with my results! The breasts turned out very beautiful! Briefly, my backstory is this: I am 41 years old, I have two sons, and life has gotten the best of me! I am a slim woman, but the breasts I had before surgery did not suit my figure at all. After two pregnancies and breastfeeding, my breasts became large and saggy. Dr. Karen gave me my breasts back to how they were before pregnancy. Lying there and not seeing my chest part like the Red Sea is the best feeling in the world! Overall, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. Dr. Paytian was a pleasure to work with and was very attentive from pre-op to post-op!
My plastic surgeon was Karen Paytyan. Operation – lipomodeling of the chin. Since I am a doctor myself, the doctor’s professionalism was visible from the first minutes of communication. And of course, the charm and friendliness of Karen Gagikovich as a person. These two components determined my choice. He passed the chin lipo very carefully through the punctures. There were no traces left, no scars or scars. The skin after lipo tightened up quite quickly, the neck recovered well - now it is smooth, without “extra” chins)
I gave birth to three children, nursed them all and realized that I wanted smaller breasts so that they could keep their shape again. About 12 years ago I had my breasts enlarged, and last year I thought about it and went to remove the implants. But to prevent the skin from sagging all over later, I had to correct it - do an anchor lift. All this took place in the format of one combined operation, so I had only one rehabilitation. At the same time, there was almost no pain, only swelling at first caused slight discomfort. The recovery was easier than after the first surgery. I had my implants removed in Moscow, with Dr. Karen Paytyan, because a friend recommended him to me. I was very impressed by Karen Gagikovich already at the first consultation. I don’t know how to describe it, but you immediately understand that a person is in the right place, that this profession is his calling. An attentive and competent surgeon, I recommend him. P.S. Why didn't you go to the first doctor? Yes, because he has not lived in Moscow for a long time.
There were no people in my circle who had undergone plastic surgery - I work as a teacher and few of my colleagues or friends were interested in this topic. But I’m 45 years old, and I’m very glad that I didn’t hesitate and had upper blepharoplasty. The skin on my upper eyelids was hanging over, and it even began to slightly interfere with my view. That's why I decided to have the operation. Moreover, it took place under local anesthesia. I had plastic surgery last summer, and on September 1st I arrived beautiful and refreshed. Everyone complimented me, I attributed all the changes to vacation. Well, I told a couple of colleagues, of course, but the students don’t need to know about it. Almost a year has passed since the operation, my eyes are still open and with a twinkle) For this I want to say a big thank you to my surgeon Karen Paytyan. Very attentive, well-mannered specialist. I think he could also work as a teacher - he explained all the nuances of my operation so clearly. I recommend!
I had chin lipomodeling done 1.5 months ago, and I already look and feel great! The operation was performed by surgeon Karen Paityan in Moscow. A very talented, well-mannered and conscientious, professional doctor. He did everything as gently as possible, always supported and monitored the dynamics of recovery. I was confident in him throughout the entire period of our communication, so if I have a desire to improve something else in myself, I will go to him again.
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April 2024
10 points
Excellent Recommends master: YesХочу выразить самые наилучшие слова благодарности хирургу Пайтяну Карену Гагиковичу за профессионально проведенную операцию по липомоделированию, которая состоялась в апреле 2024 г. Благодарю за заботу, вежливость и прекрасное отношение в целом всего персонала. Высокий уровень профессионализма, грамотную консультацию. На операцию пошла со спокойной душой благодаря Вашей поддержке. Отдельно хотелось бы отметить хорошую работу анестезиолога, к сожалению, не запомнила фамилию. После операции качество жизни значительно улучшилось, повысилась самооценка и стало приятно смотреть на себя в зеркало. Спасибо за Вашу работу и добросовестное, человеческое отношение к своим пациентам.