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Елена Можгина (Moscow) Cosmetologist

Offers and prices master Елена Можгина (13)

Face cosmetology (12)
Chemical peels
Beauty Massage
Facial masks
Facial Mesotherapy
Facial contouring
Lip augmentation
Cheek augmentation
Tear Trough Filler Treatment
Nonsurgical rhinoplasty
Botox injections
Thread lifting
Body skin care (1)
Hyperhidrosis treatment
Upgrade your plan

Елена Можгина

I absolutely love my job! I love everything beautiful: beautiful people, healthy thoughts and the feeling of boundless love for this damn interesting life! I will always be glad to meet new people, welcome, let's be friends! Selection of home professional cosmetics.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Moscow, CAO dist, Пятницкая, 41/2
   Show working hours
No fixed shedule
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Workplace options

Reception at salon

M Tretyakovskaya
Moscow, CAO р-н, Пятницкая, 41/2
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No fixed shedule
+7 (912) 451-...
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