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Наталья Агафонова (Moscow) Cosmetologist, permanent makeup master

Offers and prices master Наталья Агафонова (11)

Face cosmetology (2)
Facial contouring
Lip augmentation
Permanent make-up (9)
Eyebrow tattoo
Permanent Makeup Correction
Lip Permanent Makeup
Correcting Permanent Makeup in Lips
Eye tattoo
Eyeliner tattoo
Eyeliner Tattoos with shading
Eyelash tattoo
Permanent Eyeliner Correction
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Наталья Агафонова

International class master of permanent makeup Natalya Agafonova.
MTC "Sotis", RHU named after M. B. Grekov. Since my first education was in art (sculptor), I know first-hand about beauty. Cosmetologist services.

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