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Елена Шебетова (Mytischi) Cosmetologist

Offers and prices master Елена Шебетова (16)

Face cosmetology (12)
Facial contouring 7000 rub
Anti-wrinkle filler injections 7000 rub
Facial Mesotherapy 2000 rub
Ultrasonic face cleaning 1800 rub
Alginate Face Mask 900 rub
Manual facial cleaning 2500 rub
Chemical peels 2500 rub
Chemical peels 2500 rub
Salicylic peel 2500 rub
Retinol Peeling Skin 2500 rub
Carboxytherapy 1200 rub
Needle-free mesotherapy 3000 rub
Body skin care (1)
Biorevitalization of the body 3500 rub
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Елена Шебетова

Cosmetologist. I love my job. Education . All kinds of advanced training courses. Various methods of restoration and aesthetics Different approaches to skin types (medicinal, massage, appa... Expand

Workplace options

At client's home place
Mytischi, Мытищи, улица Веры Волошиной, 17
   Show working hours
Пн 10:00 – 21:00
Вт Day off
Ср 10:00 – 21:00
Чт Day off
Пт Day off
Сб Day off
Вс 10:00 – 21:00
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Workplace options

Reception at home

Mytischi, Мытищи, улица Веры Волошиной, 17
Show working hours
Mon 10:00 – 21:00
Tue Day off
Wed 10:00 – 21:00
Thu Day off
Fri Day off
Sat Day off
Sun 10:00 – 21:00
+7 (905) 577-...
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