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Екатерина Ефремова (Odintsovo) Cosmetologist, doctor cosmetologist

Offers and prices master Екатерина Ефремова (18)

Face cosmetology (16)
Combined facial cleansing 3000 rub
Manual facial cleaning 2500 rub
Vacuum face cleaning 1500 rub
Ultrasonic face cleaning 1900 rub
Chemical peels
Jessner Peel 2600 rub
TCA Peel 3500 rub
PRX-T33 4000 rub
Facial Mesotherapy from 2800 rub
Biorevitalization from 7500 rub
Facial contouring from 8000 rub
Lip augmentation from 8000 rub
D'arsonval 1300 rub
Phonophoresis 1300 rub
Removal of neoplasms 1500 rub
Age spot treatments 3500 rub
Body skin care (2)
Deep Cleansing Back Treatment 3500 rub
Hyperhidrosis treatment 10000 rub
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Екатерина Ефремова

Your kind cosmetologist with higher medical education. 7 years of medical practice in therapy and cardiology. In my office you will see that beauty does not require sacrifice, but requires a competent professional approach!

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