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Анна Александровна (Rostov-on-Don) Psychologist

Offers and prices master Анна Александровна (1)

Individual psychologist consultation (1)
Individual psychologist consultation 1500 rub
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Анна Александровна

Hello! My name is Anna Aleksandrovna - I am a psychologist. Current member of the Russian CBT Association.

-In 2020, she defended her master’s thesis in psychology.
- I am an active member of the Russian CBT Association.
- Started practicing in September 2020.
- I constantly improve my skills.
- I regularly undergo supervision and intervision.
- I have experience in personal group and individual therapy for 1.5 years.

Unfortunately, I cannot do everything for you, but I can help you take responsibility for the quality of your life into your own hands, change your thinking and form new behavior patterns that do not bring suffering and discomfort!

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