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Анастасия Филиппович (Rostov-on-Don) Masseur

Offers and prices master Анастасия Филиппович (6)

Face cosmetology (2)
Сlassic facial massage 1000 rub
Сlassic facial massage 600 rub
Massage and SPA (4)
Anticellulite massage 1200 rub
Honey Massage Therapy
Children's massage 650 rub
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Анастасия Филиппович

Education: Nurse,
Add. Education: Massage therapist
Add. education: Psychologist

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Rostov-on-Don, Таганрог
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No fixed shedule
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Workplace options

Reception at salon

Rostov-on-Don, Таганрог
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No fixed shedule
+7 (961) 426-...
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