On Barb 28 weeks 6 days
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Moskovsky dist Свеаборгская 27 |
from 200 rub / 15 min. |
from 200 rub / 15 min. |
Тут как дома уютно, все веселые, атмосфера не наигранная, живая, настоящая, советую данное место......
Languages: Русский
On Barb 25 months
In salon cabinet | |
Saint Petersburg, Krasnoselsky dist, М. Пр. Ветеранов, Пр. Ветеранов д 171 к 1 |
1300 rub / 80 min. |
On Barb 35 months
at home | |
Saint Petersburg, Krasnoselsky dist, Ленинский 78к1 |
Home visit |
Свадебный макияж + причёска | 2000 rub / 2 hour |
1500 rub / 80 min. |
1500 rub / 80 min. |
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Add offerOn Barb 30 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Petrogradsky dist каменноостровский проспект 38/96 |
from 400 rub / - |
from 1500 rub / - |
from 1000 rub / - |
Постоянно делаю здесь маникюр, отличные мастера, приемлемые цены и удобно добираться) часто экспериментирую со стрижками/окрашиванием, хожу к Ване, настоящий мастер своего дела; недавно заплела дреды у него......
Languages: Русский
On Barb 19 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Komendantskiy Aerodrom аллея Поликарпова. 2 |
1000 rub / - |
Languages: Русский
On Barb 22 months
In salon cabinet | |
Saint Petersburg, Central dist, Кузнечный переулок, 3 |
1500 rub / 60 min. |
2000 rub / 120 min. |
2000 rub / 90 min. |
Languages: Русский
On Barb 21 months
In salon cabinet | |
Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky dist, Московский проспект, 183-185 |
Home visit |
Consultation online |
- / - |
- / - |
- / - |
In general, it’s ok for the money, I don’t know if I’ll order again.......
Languages: Русский
On Barb 22 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Central dist Владимирский проспект, 15 |
4500 rub / - |
4500 rub / - |
4500 rub / - |
Languages: Русский
On Barb 38 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Petrogradsky dist Корпусная, дом 3 |
1500 rub / - |
from 1500 rub / - |
1500 rub / - |
I really liked the shading tattoo. They did it as delicately and carefully as possible, many thanks to the master. A magnificent girl, a professional......
On Barb 46 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Moskovsky dist Фрунзе, 15 |
300 rub / - |
This is my second year getting my hair cut at the Hopkins salon; by the way, I live within a 10-minute walk, I don’t have to go......
from 400 rub / - |
from 400 rub / - |
Fade Barbershop is a good place where everything is made for men. You can calmly come and get a haircut at a time convenient for you.......
On Barb 46 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Frunzensky dist Бухарестская, дом 114/1 |
450 rub / - |
Convenient location of Belousov Barbershop, pleasant barbers who listen carefully to the client. I come back to them 5 times. I’m happy with the result,......
On Barb 46 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Central dist Греческий пр., 23 |
500 rub / - |
We were just walking with our son, he saw the sign of the barbershop "Mr. Bro", and he wanted to go there, he was just capricious......
1200 rub / - |
Languages: Русский, English
On Barb 13 months
In salon cabinet | |
Saint Petersburg, Central dist, Гончарная 11А |
2500 rub / 60 min. |
3000 rub / - |
6500 rub / - |
4300 rub / - |
Languages: Русский, English
1500 rub / - |
1500 rub / - |
1500 rub / - |
On Barb 48 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Petrogradsky dist Куйбышева, 26 к2, 1 этаж |
from 1600 rub / - |
from 2600 rub / - |
from 2600 rub / - |
I have good impressions from visiting the Beverly Hills cosmetology center, the other day I dyed my hair fiery red color for the first time in my......
On Barb 45 months
at home | |
Saint Petersburg, Vyborgsky dist, проспект Энгельса, 69 |
Home visit |
- / - |
1000 rub / 1 min. |
Margarita, thank you very much for the Botox hair treatment. My hair has become much more beautiful and well-groomed. What a pity that I didn’t......
On Barb 48 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Nevsky dist проспект Большевиков, 7к3, 2 этаж |
from 1000 rub / - |
I visited 50 tintOV in December, before the new year I decided to get a facial. I regularly arrange such procedures for myself. This is......
On Barb 45 months
In salon cabinet | |
Saint Petersburg, Vasileostrovskii dist, метро Василеостровская |
1500 rub / 60 min. |
600 rub / 40 min. |
600 rub / 30 min. |
I really liked the result after Botox for hair. Now there is no dull fluff on the head, but smooth, shiny and manageable hair. Evgeniy......
On Barb 48 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Kalininsky dist проспект Науки, 17к2 |
2200 rub / - |
I took my daughter for a haircut to the Bahamas salon and asked the hairdresser to beautifully style the child’s hair after the haircut, since we had......
On Barb 48 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Krasnogvardeisky dist Большеохтинский проспект, 31 |
Дополнительные адреса: | |
Primorsky dist Авиаконструкторов пр., 3
M Komendantskiy prospekt
| |
Primorsky dist Асафьева ул., 5, к1
M Komendantskiy prospekt
| |
Nevsky dist Большевиков пр., 11
M Bolshevikov Avenue
| |
Vyborgsky dist Большой Сампсониевский пр., 31
M Vyborgskaya
| |
Kalininsky dist Демьяна Бедного ул., 22/1
M Civil Prospect
- / - |
from 1500 rub / - |
from 1200 rub / - |
A friend recently had a birthday, a round anniversary, celebrated in a restaurant. I did a stylish styling with a curling iron at the Lady beauty......
On Barb 48 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Vyborgsky dist Кантемировская, 27, 1 этаж |
from 1000 rub / - |
from 2500 rub / - |
from 1500 rub / - |
Today I got the girls' eyebrows done at the beauty salon at the RB Beauty Club in St. Petersburg. My scar on my right eyebrow......
On Barb 48 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Petrogradsky dist пр-кт Медиков, 10 |
- / - |
- / - |
- / - |
I will be happy to leave a positive review about the Time beauty salon. The place is really good. I recently got eyelash extensions here.......
- / - |
- / - |
Many thanks to Yana for saving my hair. I had Botox for my hair done with her, which she herself offered to me when I once......
On Barb 46 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Yuzhno-Primorskiy Ленинский проспект, 56, стр. 1 |
400 rub / - |
I go to the barbershop for a haircut, including my beard and mustache, and occasionally get my hair done. I recently got my hair cut with......
On Barb 48 months
at home | |
Saint Petersburg, Primorsky dist, проспект Испытателей, 31 |
500 rub / 10 min. |
500 rub / 10 min. |
They always make an appointment only with this hairdresser, 3 months ago I tried to get my hair cut by him, and he also cut my beard......
On Barb 48 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Nevsky dist проспект Пятилеток, 9к1, 1 этаж |
from 3500 rub / - |
from 2000 rub / - |
from 2000 rub / - |
I had my eyelash extensions done at the Lavender salon. I added extensions at a discount and created a natural look. The girl was satisfied......
On Barb 46 months
Adress | |
Saint Petersburg,
Liteynyy District Кирочная, 22 |
Дополнительные адреса: | |
Krasnogvardeisky dist Заневский пр., 71, корп. 2. ТЦ Заневский Каскад, 3, 4 этаж
M Ladozhskaya
| |
Frunzensky dist Фучика, 2А. ТРЦ Рио, 1 этаж
M Bukharestskaya
| |
Kirovsky dist пр. Стачек, 99, лит. А. ТРК Континент, 3 этаж
M Leninsky Prospekt
| |
Vasilievskiy ул. Одоевского, 28
M Primorskaya
| |
Moskovsky dist ул. Ленсовета, 101 лит. А
M Zvyozdnaya
from 400 rub / - |
I love Topgun Barbershop. I started coming here quite recently. I got my hair cut for the first time and I liked it. Masters......
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