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Aleksandr Shevchik (Tomsk) Hairdresser

Offers and prices master Aleksandr Shevchik (8)

Reconstruction and care (1)
Hair botox 2000 rub
Haircut and hair styling (2)
Men's haircut 1000 rub
Womens haircut 1200 rub
Hair coloring (5)
Highlights 2000 rub
Solid Hair Coloring 2000 rub
Hair lightening 5000 rub
Hair tinting 2000 rub
Hair root coloring 2000 rub
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Aleksandr Shevchik

In my work, I adhere to the author's direction A_STYLE, the main task of which is to create a comfortable and modern everyday look.

The main distinguishing feature of my haircuts are clear, but very soft lines, with harmoniously selected volume and texture.

The methods I use when coloring make it possible to highlight the features of a haircut easily and without causing injury to the hair.

Stylish and comfortable! This is how you can describe my work in a nutshell.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Tomsk, улица Карташова, 4
   Show working hours
Пн 10:00 – 20:00
Вт Day off
Ср 10:00 – 20:00
Чт Day off
Пт 10:00 – 20:00
Сб Day off
Вс Day off
Show specialists contacts
Aleksandr Shevchik Hairdresser
On Barb 38 months

Calls: 20
Last visit: 25.11.2022

Workplace options

Reception at salon

Tomsk, улица Карташова, 4
Show working hours
Mon 10:00 – 20:00
Tue Day off
Wed 10:00 – 20:00
Thu Day off
Fri 10:00 – 20:00
Sat Day off
Sun Day off
+7 (903) 955-...
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