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Аида Латыпова (Ufa) Podologist, manicurist

Offers and prices master Аида Латыпова (5)

Feet care (5)
Pedicure 2000 rub
Medical pedicure 2500 rub
Removal of calluses 300 rub
Nail fungus treatment 700 rub
Cracked Heels Treatment 800 rub
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Аида Латыпова

Courses using the author's methodology. We work with the most advanced cases. Let's restore your feet and nails to a healthy look. Hygienic pedicure. Pedicure with gel polish coating. Large selection of care products.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Ufa, Колгуевская, 68, корп. 2
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No fixed shedule

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Workplace options

Reception at salon

Ufa, Колгуевская, 68, корп. 2
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No fixed shedule
+7 (917) 802-...
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