3500 rub / 150 min. |
I went for facial lymphatic drainage. I was impressed. I realize with horror that the older you get, the more difficult it is to take......
2000 rub / - |
2000 rub / - |
2300 rub / - |
2500 rub / - |
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Add offerOn Barb 40 months
In salon cabinet | |
Voronezh, Kominternovsky dist, улица 45-й Стрелковой Дивизии, 259/13 |
On Barb 40 months
at home | |
Voronezh, Kominternovsky dist, улица Генерала Лизюкова, 36А |
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900 rub / 40 min. |
I didn’t really understand the price range - the face seemed more expensive than the back, so I started from the back)))) I was pleased with the......
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