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Barb Cookie Policy

Like almost all commercial websites, Barb.pro records statistical data and uses cookies to improve site performance.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that can be placed on your computer or mobile device that uniquely (but anonymously) identify your browser or device.

Cookies cannot search your computer in any way or introduce viruses.

Why does Barb use cookies?

Cookie is needed to improve your experience on the site by remembering your preferences. We also use cookies to remember information so that you will not have to re-enter it during your visit or the next time you visit the site. Cookies help us to know how people interact with our website. We can improve our site based on this information.

We use cookies:

  • To manage your preferences and improve your experience with our service. It may collect information about the date and time of your visit, web browsing history and language settings.
  • To maintain security measures and to detect any fraudulent activities.
  • To analyze our service availability, usage, and performance. We use this information to maintain, manage and continually improve our site.

What types of cookies does Barb use?

Barb.pro uses different cookies for a variety of reasons as explained in detail below.

1. For the purpose:

  • Essential. Barb uses essential cookies in order to operate the site, including enabling you to use the Barb product features, such as accessing logged in or secure areas. Disabling them will negatively affect the correct functioning of the site on your device.
  • Functionality. Needed to improve our site.
  • Analytics. Analytics cookies collect information about how you use the site. These cookies are used for analytics purposes and experiment with new features and changes to enhance your experience on the site.
  • Advertising or Targeting. We may use first-party or third-party cookies and web beacons to deliver advertisements and content that is relevant to your interests.

2. By storage time:

  • Persistent cookies. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the site. Persistent cookies help us remember your settings and preferences to make your next visit more convenient.
  • Session cookies. It is temporary and disappears after you close your browser.

Important information! Barb has links to third-party websites and apps. If you click on one of these links, please note that each site will have its own Cookie Policy.

Third-Party cookies Used by Barb?

Third-parties such as ad networks and providers of external services, for example, to analyze web traffic, may use cookies, web beacons, software development kits (SDKs), or similar technologies to collect information about your visit to our site.

We do not control the use of third party cookies, which are governed by the privacy/Cookie Policy of third parties.

Analytics partners.

To better understand how you use our site, we work with different analytics partners such as Google or Facebook analytics.

For more information about how Google and Facebook use your data, visit:

Third-Party Plugins.

Our site also uses third-party plugins in the form of a share button for Facebook, Twitter and other services. With the Share button, you can share our content on a third-party platform, if you are signed in to that third party's resource. These third-parties may associate your interaction with our site with your account on such resource. Please read the privacy policies of third parties before clicking on the «Share» button.

Switching off cookies

You can completely disable the use of Cookies. Your browser should tell you how to turn off the automatic acceptance of cookies if you look through the settings options. For more information about blocking or deleting cookies in your browser settings, please visit the following links:

You can block third-party cookies from Google Analytics in your ad settings or by using https://adssettings.google.com

Important information! If you choose to not accept cookies, then you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Barb, for example, you won't be able to save your own settings, such as login information.

Changes to the Cookie Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy to show changes regarding the use of cookies.

To stay up to date we encourage you to review our Cookie Policy regularly.