On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, YuZAO dist, Научный проезд 14 а стр 2 |
from 450000 rub / - |
Languages: Русский
On Barb 30 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Большой Кондратьевский переулок, 7 |
400000 rub / - |
Долго искала врача и вот наконец нашла. Максим Нестеренко – врач с большой буквы. Он исправил недостатки и сделал это очень качественно. Сейчас я......
Languages: Русский
On Barb 31 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, ZAO dist, Удальцова, 85 к2 |
from 120000 rub / - |
Глаза-зеркало души. И доверила я свой взгляд пластическому хирургу с огромным многолетним опытом Орландо Саласу. Приятный, харизматичный, рассказывает очень интересно и подробно обо всём.......
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300000 rub / - |
Хочу выразить самые наилучшие слова благодарности хирургу Пайтяну Карену Гагиковичу за профессионально проведенную операцию по липомоделированию, которая состоялась в апреле 2024 г. Благодарю за заботу, вежливость......
Languages: Русский
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Мясницкая, 19 |
from 185000 rub / - |
Это история о том, как моя мечта рухнула. Операция была в 23. 04. 24 Стоит начать с того, что решилась я на операцию с полной уверенностью, что мой......
On Barb 31 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, SZAO dist, ул. Рогова 22 к 3 |
from 231000 rub / - |
Делала у доктора Амжада фейслифтинг. Очень благодарна за такой прекрасный результат. На первой консультации мы так подробно обсудили, что можно получить в моём случае, что......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Подсосенский перулок, дом 20 А |
from 200000 rub / - |
It is a pleasure to deal with such a competent cosmetologist and plastic surgeon as Solomon. I had blepharoplasty. Solomon is a great professional.......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, SZAO dist, улица Рогова, дом 22 |
from 100000 rub / - |
Все прошло хорошо, сделали операцию по пластике век, а так же подтяжка средней трети лица. Результат устроил, так как выгляжу натурально, никаких швов и прочего не......
from 200000 rub / - |
David Pogosyan is my favorite plastic surgeon in Moscow. He was highly recommended by a friend of mine. And I made an appointment with him......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Овчинниковская наб., 8 |
from 310000 rub / - |
I had a breast augmentation with Ekaterina a year ago, everything was great, I’m very glad that I came to you. Girls, now I have very......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Большой Кондратьевский переулок, 7 |
from 140000 rub / - |
I really liked this salon. I went there with a girl. Both she and I were impressed by the services of the beauty specialist.......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, SVAO dist, Проспект Мира, дом 128, строение 2 |
250000 rub / - |
I dreamed of enlarging my breasts to at least size 3. I saved up funds for this for a long time, and finally chose a professional......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Мясницкая, 19 |
from 200000 rub / - |
I have long wanted to get rhinoplasty. A friend recommended this doctor. I came to the appointment, gave very competent advice, showed me what the......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Мясницкая, 19 |
from 180000 rub / - |
Svetlana, you are a professional in your field. Thank you for my new, beautiful nose. I had rhinoplasty 6 months ago, I’m very pleased.......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Смоленская площадь, дом 3 |
from 100000 rub / - |
I turned to Dmitry with a request for buttock augmentation. This was my old dream, which Instagram girls began to fuel. The work was done......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, ZAO dist, Мичуринский проспект, 7, корп. 1 |
from 100000 rub / - |
Russif is simply a wizard among surgeons. He reduced my breast size from size 5 to size 3, my God, how much easier my life has......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Мясницкая, 19 |
from 250000 rub / - |
I contacted Dmitry about removing Bish’s lumps. The operation itself lasted about an hour under anesthesia. There was practically no pain, only sometimes a dull......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, улица Ольховская, 27 |
from 250000 rub / - |
Today I went to Vladimir for a consultation on rhinoplasty. I was promised unimaginable results several times without even really considering the problem itself (nose).......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, SZAO dist, Саляма Адиля, д. 2/44 |
180000 rub / - |
It took me a long time to decide on a facelift; I chose a specialist based on reviews and recommendations from friends. In the end, I......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, YuAO dist, Нагорная, д. 17, корп. 6 |
from 320000 rub / - |
He was born with congenital defects in appearance, but Eduard Vadimovich helped correct this problem. Provided professional advice throughout. I was pleased with the result.......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, YuVAO dist, Лефортовский вал, д. 5, стр. 7 |
from 120000 rub / - |
Good evening friends. 2 months ago I had plastic surgery for breast augmentation. Everything went well, I jumped with happiness, because sometimes such operations end......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Большая Полянка, 54, строение 1 |
from 150000 rub / - |
It took me a long time to choose the right plastic surgeon. No wonder I chose this one. I wanted to enlarge my breasts for......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Большая Полянка, 54, стр. 1 |
from 50000 rub / - |
Just recently I had a big complex - a chin. I don’t sit on forums and trust only trusted specialists. I searched for a very......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Мясницкая, 19 |
from 195000 rub / - |
I decided to trim my nose and recommended this specialist. I will say right away that I am completely satisfied with the result and the quality......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, 2-ой Тверской-Ямской пер., д. 10 |
from 35520 rub / - |
I breastfed my 2 children and ended up with saggy and unsightly breasts. Didn't create any positive impressions. In general, it was my fix in......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, YuAO dist, Варшавское шоссе, 14, стр. 14 |
from 180000 rub / - |
It took me a long time to decide, but in the end I went to a plastic surgeon for a breast lift. I was very scared,......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Тимура Фрунзе, дом 11, корпус 15 |
from 100000 rub / - |
I am very pleased with my visit to cosmetologist Amina. I did my lips for the first time, the result was great. The swelling was......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, YuAO dist, Москворечье, дом 16 |
from 158000 rub / - |
I would like to thank plastic surgeon Andrei Voroshkevich for the high-quality SMAS lifting of the lower third of the face. Excellent result. I am......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, SZAO dist, Берзарина, 17, корп. 2 |
from 130000 rub / - |
I want to say a huge thank you to Evgeniy for lifting my breasts. I was very pleased with the result, my breasts look great again,......
On Barb 54 months
In salon cabinet | |
Moscow, CAO dist, Ольховская, дом 27 |
from 320000 rub / - |
I am pleased with my appointment with this plastic surgeon. I came for a consultation and didn’t expect anything good, since I had been to many......
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20:21 Зинфира call
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19:36 Sense and beauty call