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Head massage CAO

On Barb 28 months

at home
Moscow, CAO dist,
Стрельбищенский переулок 18а
M Business Center (Moscow central circle)
M Street 1905
+ еще 1 метро
M Shelepikha

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11 calls
10y. experience
Discount 10% by promocode «Barb»

Languages: Русский, English


On Barb 10 weeks 5 days

at home
Moscow, CAO dist,
Шмитовский проезд
M Vystavochnaya
M Business Center
+ еще 1 метро
M Street 1905

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10 calls
5y. experience
Discount 10% by promocode «Barb»

Languages: Русский


On Barb 37 months

Moscow, CAO dist
1-й Щипковский переулок, 4
M Paveletskaya
M Serpukhovskaya

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10 points
16 calls
Valeria 07.06.2022:

The clinic is one of the best in Moscow in terms of price and quality ratio. It is clear that the equipment is all new and......

All feedbacks: 3


On Barb 50 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Б. Якиманка, 22/3
M Polyanka

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9.6 points
78 calls
Martin 04.11.2023:

I was at the cosmetology center "In Copernicus" for a sports massage. I have been involved in sports professionally for more than 30 years and I......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 50 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Трубниковский пер., стр. 8/15
M Arbatskaya

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9.5 points
18 calls
[email protected] 28.10.2023:

A friend recommended it and tried it myself. I read reviews on the Internet. This company lives up to its name. I am very......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 50 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Малая Грузинская улица, 29
M Street 1905

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9.4 points
24 calls
Marina 29.10.2023:

The Sarmedical salon provided treatments to remove stretch marks after childbirth, as well as cosmetic facial massage, full body massage and ultrasonic cleaning. I liked the......

All feedbacks: 3


On Barb 52 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
2-я Тверская-Ямская, 18
M Mayakovskaya

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10 points
73 calls
Svetlana 18.06.2023:

I have long been bothered by a large scar on my leg after surgery. I chose the master I would contact based on reviews. There......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 50 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Малая Грузинская улица, дом 20/13, строение 1
M Barrikadnaya

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10 points
30 calls
Helen 05.10.2023:

I will be happy to leave a positive review about the Klazko cosmetology center. Not so long ago, I removed lumps of bisha here. Thanks......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 48 months

Moscow, CAO dist
2-я Тверская-Ямская, 18​1 этаж
M Mayakovskaya

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10 points
56 calls
Julia 15.12.2023:

I visited the cosmetology center "Update Clinic" in order to improve my figure and took a course of anti-cellulite massage. I was very pleased, firstly, the......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 52 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Сытинский пер., 7/14
M Tverskaya

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9.8 points
51 calls
Margarita 12.11.2023:

I would like to express my gratitude to the Endorphin barbershop & spa for excellent service, quality services, and caring attitude. Nice place, cozy atmosphere, beautiful......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 47 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
Голиковский переулок, 7а
M Novokuznetskaya

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10 points
18 calls
Людмила Рыбкина 14.06.2024:

Одним словом - ВОЛШЕБНИК. Имею компрессионный перелом 12-го грудного позвонка и перелом таза в 3-ех местах, не считая остальных многочисленных дисфункций. Волшебное прикосновение - и ты другой......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 50 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Плющиха, дом 53
M Culture Park

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10 points
89 calls
Helen 04.11.2023:

Thank you so much girls, I want to say that in October I came to your salon and was booked in for a honey massage and laser......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 47 months

Moscow, CAO dist
1-й Тверской-Ямской пер., 18
M Mayakovskaya

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9 points
54 calls
Maria 13.01.2023:

I decided to give myself a massage for the New Year. She did not neglect any parts of the body and chose a relaxing full body......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 25 months

Moscow, Presnenskiy
переулок Красина, 16 ст1
M Mayakovskaya

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On Barb 47 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
Пятницкая, д. 8, эт. 2
M Novokuznetskaya

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9.8 points
9 calls
industry 21.08.2023:

I’ve been wanting to visit Matvey for a long time, probably 5 years. During this time, he restored my sore back, and also showed useful exercises......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 50 months

Moscow, CAO dist
Пятницкая, 20, стр. 1
M Novokuznetskaya

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10 points
18 calls
Love 15.12.2023:

I had facial mesotherapy done in this salon, they did everything very carefully, there were almost no bruises. This was my first time doing this procedure,......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 25 months

Moscow, Tverskoy
​Палиха, 13/1 ст1
M Mendeleevskaya

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On Barb 25 months

Moscow, Taganskiy
Нижегородская, 2 к1
M Proletarian

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On Barb 25 months

Moscow, Basmannyi
​Машкова, 10 ст2
M Red gate

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On Barb 43 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
Студенческая 20, корпус 1
M Business Center

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On Barb 25 months

Moscow, Tverskoy
​Малый Гнездниковский переулок, 10
M Pushkinskaya

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On Barb 25 months

Moscow, Basmannyi
Новая Басманная улица, 12 ст2
M Red gate

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On Barb 25 months

Moscow, Zamoskvorechye
​Озерковская набережная, 50 ст1
M Paveletskaya

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On Barb 43 months

at home
Moscow, CAO dist,
Дубининская улица

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10 points
13 calls
Irina 17.08.2023:

In July, I trusted Natalya to get me ready for my brother’s wedding, and the whole evening I couldn’t pass by any reflective surface) It turned out......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 43 months

In salon cabinet
Moscow, CAO dist,
Краснопрудная, 7/9
M Krasnoselskaya

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On Barb 14 weeks 4 days

Moscow, Khamovniki
улица Доватора д.3
M Sportivnaya

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On Barb 42 months

at home
Moscow, CAO dist,
Яузская улица, 5

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Head massage Near me

1200-12000 RUR

Rating 4.9 based on 42 Google reviews

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