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Вадим Леонтьев (Moscow) Cosmetologist, beauty school teacher

Offers and prices master Вадим Леонтьев (2)

Face cosmetology (2)
Facial contouring
Botox injections
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Вадим Леонтьев

Dermatologist, I teach those who treat you, a popularizer of science. What is included in the consultation: survey, examination, analysis of tests and tissue biomarkers + answers to all questions. During the consultation, the diagnosis is announced and an initial plan of recommendations is formed.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Moscow, CAO dist, Школьная, 48, 206 кабинет
   Okhotny Ryad
   Show working hours
No fixed shedule
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Workplace options

Reception at salon

M Okhotny Ryad
Moscow, CAO р-н, Школьная, 48, 206 кабинет
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No fixed shedule
+7 (921) 619-...
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