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Александр Глушко (Moscow) Plastic Surgeon

Offers and prices master Александр Глушко (7)

Facial Plastic Surgery (7)
Forehead Reduction Surgery
Chin Surgery
Bisha lumps removal
Facelift Surgery
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Александр Глушко

Board certified plastic and maxillofacial surgeon. Areas of medical interests: aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery of the maxillofacial region. Treatment of post-traumatic deformity and congenital pathology. Oral surgery. Minimally invasive surgical methods. Scientific work in various areas of plastic and maxillofacial surgery.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Moscow, SVAO dist, Вучетича, 9Ас1
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No fixed shedule
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Workplace options

Reception at salon

M Dmitrovskaya
Moscow, SVAO р-н, Вучетича, 9Ас1
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No fixed shedule
+7 (916) 582-...
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