Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy (7) | |
Operacja nosa | |
Blepharoplastyka | |
Otoplastyka | |
Operacja redukcji czoła | |
Chirurgia plastyczna podbródka | |
Usunięcie poduszek Bichata | |
Lifting operacyjny twarzy |
Board certified plastic and maxillofacial surgeon. Areas of medical interests: aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery of the maxillofacial region. Treatment of post-traumatic deformity and congenital pathology. Oral surgery. Minimally invasive surgical methods. Scientific work in various areas of plastic and maxillofacial surgery.
M | Dmitrovskaya |
Moscow, SVAO р-н, Вучетича, 9Ас1 | |
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (916) 582-...
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