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Анна Еремина (Barnaul) Psycholog

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Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1500 rub
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Анна Еремина

Practicing psychologist. I help improve relationships in the family, understand the reasons for the child’s difficulties, his behavior, and emotional states. I believe that the main thing in a family is to create trusting, warm, supportive relationships.

You can contact me if you notice in your child:
- self-doubt, shyness, isolation,
- touchiness, jealousy, whims, hysterics, aggressiveness,
- anxiety, fears,
- hyperactivity or disinhibition,
- biting or biting nails, sucking objects,
- developmental delay,
- difficulties of getting used to kindergarten and school.
I also provide consultation in situations where you or your child find themselves in a life crisis situation (death of loved ones, conflicts in the family, divorce, moving, changing school or kindergarten).

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