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Екатерина Васильева (Barnaul) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Екатерина Васильева (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1500 rub
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Екатерина Васильева

I specialize in issues related to career development and personal effectiveness growth. Often we don't even think about how much time we spend at work. And how much success or failure in the professional sphere affects other areas of life.

Our internal fears and doubts prevent us from fully opening up and getting the job and level of income we strive for. The inability to cope with conflicts and defend your boundaries does not allow you to build relationships in a team and grow in your position. Working with a psychologist can help remove these restrictions.

Lack of support can become an obstacle to achieving goals: when faced with difficulties and failures, it is so easy to give up and leave everything as it is. Working with a coach will provide the necessary support and clarity in realizing what you want.

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