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Анфиса Сергеева (Yekaterinburg) Psycholog

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Анфиса Сергеева

If you are reading this text, then most likely you are faced with a difficult life situation and are in search of emotional support and qualified help. You are on the right track.
My name is Anfisa, I am a practicing psychologist. In my consulting practice I use an integrative approach.

If something prevents you from living fully:
- fears and anxieties,
- diffidence,
- difficulties in communication,
- loneliness,
- unsettled personal life,
- troubles in the family (with parents, children, spouse),
- guilt,
- feeling of resentment,
- difficulties in expressing feelings and emotions.

I will help you solve these problems.

Opcje recepcji

U specjalisty w domu
Yekaterinburg, Verkh-Isetsky dist, улица 8 Марта, 70
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Opcje recepcji

Recepcja domowa

M Geologicheskaya
Yekaterinburg, Verkh-Isetsky р-н, улица 8 Марта, 70
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (922) 111-...
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